Womanhood Unwrapped

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Surviving Summer as a Working Mom: Strategies to Avoid Burnout

Every year, I do the same thing, follow the same naive cycle, and then halfway through summer, I realize I might, in fact, actually be losing it. It's no joke.

Being a working mom in the summer can be the ultimate *eff* you at times. While everyone is making plans and adventuring, you’re stuck balancing camps, activities, sunburns, and somehow still expecting yourself to make strides at work and show up in full professional mode for every Zoom call, even though you’re crusted with sunscreen, and watermelon from the last “impromptu” snack break.

Summer should be a season for lounging by the pool, not drowning in tasks. Here’s how you can avoid burnout and actually enjoy your summer, even with a to-do list that’s longer than a heatwave.

Embrace Imperfection

Ditch the idea of a perfect summer. It's okay if dinner is frozen pizza while you're lounging in yoga pants. The kids will survive, and frankly, they might not even notice. Remember, imperfection has its own Instagram filter now – I wish I were joking, but it’s true. 🤣

Practical Tip: Set low expectations for house cleanliness during summer. Celebrate small wins, like finding your keys after *only* 10 minutes of searching.

Looking for more ways to embrace imperfection? Check out our post, Four Ways to Take Care of Yourself When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed.

Create a Flexible Schedule

Routines are great, but flexibility is your summer BFF. Try planning just one or two must-dos per day and let the rest flow. If your work hours are inflexible, let your evenings and mornings create windows of time for spontaneity and relaxation.

Practical Tip: Use color-coded calendars for each family member. It’s like conducting your own symphony of chaos but with more sunscreen and less precision.

Delegate and Outsource

Split household chores; even toddlers can dust around (sort of). If budget allows, hire a cleaning service–even if it’s just for the summer months. Remember, every dollar spent on a cleaning service is saved on therapy later.

Practical Tip: Grocery delivery is a lifesaver. Embrace technology that lets you shop in your PJs, thus avoiding the cereal aisle meltdowns.

Looking for some easy mom essentials for summer? Shop the Womanhood Unwrapped Amazon Storefront.

Set Boundaries at Work

Let your team know when you’re off the grid. Set an email auto-responder that says, "I’m currently at the beach building sandcastles. 🏖️ I’ll reply once the tide comes in."

Practical Tip: Block out 'meeting-free' times during your most hectic home hours. If possible, negotiate remote work days to gain a little better control over your schedule.

Prioritize “You-Care”

Self-care (or, as I like to call it, “you-care”) isn’t selfish; it’s self-preservation. Carve out time for things that make you feel human again—like reading a non-picture book, enjoying a quiet cup of coffee without microwaving it three times, or grabbing a glass of wine with a friend.

Practical Tip: Keep a stash of your favorite treats hidden. It’s like a surprise party for one every time the kids go to bed.

Plan Mini Getaways

This is my jam as a working mom in the summer months. Even a day trip can refresh your spirits. Think of it as a Ctrl+Alt+Del for your mental state. Whether you’re packing up lunch, the beach blanket, or paddle board and heading out for a nature adventure, or just heading to the playground or splash pad, find little ways to get away.

Practical Tip: Keep a go-bag ready with essentials so you can escape at a moment’s notice. Sometimes, the best plans are spontaneous (or desperate).

Use Technology Wisely

Apps can be educational babysitters–if used sparingly. It's okay if your child’s best summer buddy is an iPad named Dave. Try not to let these devices become a crutch, but when all else fails, give yourself a break and your kiddo the distraction they need.

Practical Tip: Set time limits on devices to avoid digital zombies. Plan tech-free days where everyone can detox from screens and enjoy the great outdoors (or the mediocre indoors if it’s too hot).

Stay Connected with Friends

I get it; sometimes, leaving the house feels, frankly, impossible. But socializing isn’t just for kids. Plan simple get-togethers like wine on the porch after the kids are in bed. It’s like a playdate for grown-ups.

Practical Tip: Use group chats to stay connected and share quick updates or SOS messages when you need adult interaction.

Prepare for the Unexpected

Try to have a backup plan. If your babysitter cancels (which likely will happen), have a list of quick activities or backup sitters to save the day.

Practical Tip: Keep a rainy day fund for last-minute adventures or emergencies. Think of it as your financial parachute.

Reflect and Adjust

See what’s working each week. Was skipping the foldable laundry a game-changer? Keep it up! Adaptability is key.

Practical Tip: Hold a weekly family meeting to air grievances or share highlights. We like to call it talking about “roses” and “thorns.” It’s kind of like a board meeting but with less jargon and more snacks.

This summer, let’s aim for less perfection and more connection. Whether it's through laughter, chaos, or a bit of both, find joy in the imperfections of family life. Here’s to making memories—one sunscreen blob at a time!

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