Energize Your Fitness Routine for Summer: Tips and Tricks for Busy Moms and Career Women

As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, I always get super motivated to reenergize my workout routine. Okay, I’ll be honest, I am a major workout junkie. So, if your groove is more of the “I might work out sometime this year vibe,” this post may feel a bit overwhelming. But remember, wherever you start, and whatever you take away from my experience is totally up to you! I’m just here to share my tips and tricks with you!

Summer is the perfect time to shake up your fitness routine. Whether you’re juggling kids, a career, or both, here are some tips and tricks to help you energize your fitness routine this summer—with a dash of humor to keep things fun!

Embrace the Outdoors

Who needs a gym when you have the great outdoors? Swap the treadmill for a scenic park, beach, or trail. Activities like running, hiking, cycling, and even paddleboarding not only offer excellent workouts but also let you soak up some sunshine. And let’s be honest, chasing after kids at the playground totally counts as cardio.

Try New Activities

Summer is the perfect time to shake things up and try something new. Ever attempted Barre-style workouts, outdoor yoga, or paddle boarding? These activities can add variety to your routine and keep you motivated. Plus, trying something new challenges your body in different ways, promoting overall fitness. Bonus points if it’s something you can do with your kids or girlfriends—because who says fitness can't be social?

Here are some of my summertime favorites that I only obsess over in the warm and sunny months:

Set Summer-Specific Goals

Setting specific fitness goals for the summer can give you something to work towards and keep you focused. Whether it’s running a 5K, mastering a new yoga pose, or just committing to a consistent workout schedule, having clear goals can provide the motivation you need. Create a vision board or journal to track your progress and celebrate your achievements—just make sure it’s out of reach of any toddler with a marker.

Incorporate Workouts with Weights

Don’t underestimate the power of weight training. Incorporating weights into your routine can help build strength, increase metabolism, and improve overall fitness. Whether you’re using dumbbells, resistance bands, or even household items (hello, laundry detergent bottles!), weight training can be done at home or at the gym. Plus, lifting weights can be a great way to blow off some steam after a long day of juggling responsibilities.

Here are my favorite workout equipment buddies:

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

With the warmer temperatures, staying hydrated is crucial. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before, during, and after your workouts. Additionally, fuel your body with nutritious foods that provide the energy you need for your activities. Think fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. And yes, that does include hiding veggies in your kids’ meals and sneaking a bite for yourself.

Read our post on nourishing your body, mind, and soul for more tips.

Find a Workout Buddy

Working out with a friend can make your fitness routine more enjoyable and hold you accountable. I absolutely love taking regular walks with friends in the warm months of the year. It gives us a chance to catch up and still energize ourselves.

Plan regular workout dates, try new activities together—like a studio class or hike you’ve been wanting to try—and support each other in reaching your fitness goals. Plus, it’s a great way to socialize and enjoy the summer together. If you can’t find a friend to join, a stroller or a pet can be a great companion, too!

Listen to Your Body

While it’s important to stay active, it’s equally important to listen to your body and avoid overexertion. Pay attention to how you feel during and after your workouts. If you’re feeling fatigued or experiencing discomfort that seems injury-driven, not “healthy-burn driven,” it’s okay to take a rest day or opt for a lighter activity. Balance and self-care are key to a sustainable fitness routine. And remember, taking a nap when the kids are at school or the baby naps is totally a legitimate form of self-care.

Embrace Home Workouts

When getting to a class or even outside feels impossible, home workouts are your secret weapon. From online classes and workout apps to YouTube fitness channels, there are countless resources to keep you moving from the comfort of your living room. No fancy equipment needed—just a bit of space, a good playlist, and maybe a child or two joining in as extra weight. The flexibility of home workouts means you can fit in a session during nap time or between Zoom meetings.

Make It Fun

Lastly, remember that fitness should be fun! Choose activities that you genuinely enjoy and look forward to. Whether it’s dancing in the living room with your kids, cleaning the house, swimming, or playing a sport with friends, the more fun you have, the more likely you are to stick with your routine. Turn on some music, get moving, and enjoy every moment—because laughter burns calories!

Energizing your fitness routine for summer is all about embracing the season’s opportunities and finding ways to stay motivated and active. By trying new activities, setting goals, and prioritizing fun and balance, you can make this summer your healthiest and most enjoyable one yet. So, get out there, soak up the sun, and let the summer vibes fuel your fitness journey!


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