Simple Ways to Nourish Your Mind, Body + Boost Your Health & Wellbeing

I'll be honest here: I'm not the poster child for ultimate health and wellbeing. The reality is that fifty percent of the time, I'm focused on nourishing my mind and body with diet, exercise, and healthy habits. The other fifty percent of the time, I'm frankly too tired, busy, or needing a mental break to be 100% healthy and on all the time – and you know what? I believe that IS part of nourishing your body and mind.

But for my daily routine, I have found a few simple, fun, and worthwhile ways to add to my lifestyle to ensure I am continually and effortlessly nourishing myself, my mind, and my body.

Outdoor Time

I've written about this many times before. Still, the nourishing benefits of getting outdoors cannot be underestimated in so many facets of life as a busy woman or mother.

For one, there are many proven health benefits from being outdoors. Whether you go for a run, walk, or just sit on a quiet bench, taking in the beauty around you, being outdoors helps with sleep, depression, anxiety, motivation, and better breathing. Shall I go on?

According to an article published in Healthline, spending 120 minutes outdoors per week significantly improves overall health and wellbeing. 

Worried about sun exposure outside but also want to soak in the fresh air? Me too!

Here are my favorite go-to sun-blocking wardrobe additions, so I can have peace of mind while still benefiting from being outside.

Adequate Sleep

If your body and mind are feeling depleted, it's likely that you're not getting enough sleep. The optimal amount of sleep for adults is between 7-9 hours per night (according to Everyday Health). Are you getting that much sleep every night?

One of the easiest ways to nourish your brain and body is to focus on improving your sleep patterns and how much sleep you get each night.

Some things to consider when trying to improve your sleep health:

  • When are you going to sleep? Can you possibly go to bed even 30 minutes earlier?

  • Do you have a wind-down routine? This can put your body in a more relaxed state.

  • Can you eat or drink something before bed that fosters sleep? I love the Nighty Night Tea from Traditional Medicinals.

Reading & Listening

Numerous studies have shown that listening to music can lower cortisol spikes and stress levels. Similarly, reading, especially before bed, reduces stress and has been shown to help combat Alzheimer's and dementia. 

If you are seeking simple and manageable ways to nourish yourself, make it a routine to grab a book and sit down to read for an hour. Or turn up the volume on your favorite Spotify playlist and relax into the music.


Consuming more antioxidants and seeking out antioxidant-rich foods can significantly support your body's overall health and ability to fight disease. 

I try to add as many antioxidant-rich foods and drinks to my diet as I can. It's relatively easy to do once you know what to look for, and it makes me feel good knowing that I am taking this relatively simple step to nourish my body and help my overall health.

Here's a helpful article from Better Health Channel breaking down the benefits of antioxidants.

Here's a list of some of the antioxidant-rich foods:

Practice Gratitude

It may sound silly or too out there, but practicing gratitude on a daily basis can significantly improve your outlook on life, focus, and mental wellbeing. 

A few years ago I discovered this immense power in my own life, and started getting up each morning and beginning my day by writing down four to five things I am grateful for. And it works! The days I practice gratitude by journaling or thinking about why I am grateful are so much calmer and more rewarding than the days I do not.

This article from covers how practicing gratitude is good for your mental health.

Give Yourself Grace

No matter how you choose to nourish your body and mind, remember that it is also critical to give yourself grace and flexibility. 

Stress alone can kill the benefits of all the things we just discussed. So, if you need to let go of something for the day or week and regroup, just do that. It's okay not to always do exactly the same thing every day. It's okay to take days where you don't do anything on this list!

But when you are feeling motivated, work these simple practices, habits, and foods into your life for an easy boost to your mental and physical wellbeing, which in turn will nourish your soul!

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